Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Water and Computers....

I have been absent in my posts of late because I spilled a glass of water on my laptop and fried my mother board. I was able to pull my hard drive out and my university was generous enough to supply me with a substitute. The replacement came in today. Thank you John, Lynn and Charlotte for getting me back online so quickly. I hope you enjoy the chocolates.

To all of you that sent me emails concerned about my lax in postings....Mahalo for your concern.

No worries.

Random images

I love aloe plants. Their architecture is so memorizing...ahh I mean mesmorizing...or do I?. Posted by Hello

A random picture of a palm tree at sunset. Beauty is so abundant here you can actually become cynical - "Look, its a rainbow...oh..look over there...the ocean is so blue....yawn, there goes another beautiful sunset".  Posted by Hello

Etel and four other women hiked the Kaulau valley. While they were at the beach, Vickie found this beautiful sunrise shell and gave it to Etel. I would love to post the exploits of this trip but Etel took no pictures and I think, like Vegas, they want whatever happened there to stay there. Posted by Hello

A good morning fishing. The two silvery fish are young jacks - the Hawaiians call them Papio. The middle dark colored fish is the ever elusive goatfish - Weke. The weke is one of the best tasting fish on the reef - it feeds on crabs and shrimp, its meat is pure white and tastes like crab. Posted by Hello

A delicious lunch. Posted by Hello

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