Wednesday, February 02, 2005

Rain rain go away....

Imagine your winter storms but with no snow. We are on the island indicated by the black arrow in this satellite image of the storm. The storm is very impressive to see, and if you want to see it in motion go here. [Of course it is a live feed so the storm may have passed by the time you have looked at it. Stop back here if you want to see what our weather is like.]

I imagine for many at this condo it really stinks. Imagine if you were here only for a week and this storm is sitting on top of you...nothing to do except watch cable TV (we do not have any TV! It is great) and walk around in the mist. Posted by Hello

The colors represent the amount of rain that has fallen during this storm. Look in the center of the picture for the white island with the city Lihue, we live on the northern part of that island...where it is reddish purple...lots of rain. Posted by Hello

The bridge to Hanalei, the small town where the kids go to school [I did not take this photo, I stole it off the internet, but my picture would look pretty much like this]. On very rainy days (like today) the river swells up and the bridge is closed. I awoke this morning with the realization that my kids are getting a snow day, Hawaii style. My kids are staying home with me all day???...ohhh..yeah yeah. I am sure to speak Ian's name in vain at least 1/2 dozen times before I finish my first cup of java. Posted by Hello

This is a great condo, but it is very small. Here is Etel and Max in the play area of the house. The space becomes smaller once Shayne and Ian are also home like today because of the rain storm. Posted by Hello

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