Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Pali Ke Kua

I thought I would spend the last postings on some of my favorite places we have seen here in Kauai. This is a beach just down the street from where we live. This beach is called Pali Ke Kua (thank you Tavia for telling us about this beach!) and is adjacent to another sweet beach called Hideaways. In the distance is the western rim of Hanalei bay. Posted by Picasa

Pali Ke Kua is a small beach of amazing beauty. It is hardly busy and few people come to this beach because it requires either you stay at the swanky condos or you swim in from Hideaways beach that sits just around the point at the end of the beach. Great reefs are off shore with a great diversity of fish to see. Posted by Picasa

This beach has something for everyone. The snorkeling is fabulous, the fishing is great, there are a myriad of tide pools and trapped fish and hermit crabs, and the shore holds an occassional shell. Posted by Picasa

Max loves the beach this much.

I want this image tatooed into my brain. I know I will call upon this vision to help me get through those long cold gray days of February in Kentucky. Posted by Picasa

How many sunsets are too many? We only have 7 sunsets left on this island. I have lived these 7 months as if each day was our last. I have no regrets....except not finding that stoopid spider. (by the way, Etel and I hiked back out to Hanakapi'ai falls lastnight to look agian for D. raptor. We searched, sweep netted, and beat sheet and did not capture any D. raptors. We hiked in at 4:30 pm and did not get back out until 2 am. I am convinced that they are not there now.)Posted by Picasa

End of the day among the sleeping lava rocks at Pali Ke Kua. The small peak way on the horizon at the end of the mountain range is Bali Hai from the movie South Pacific (real name is Makana peak). Posted by Picasa

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