Thursday, April 14, 2005

Turtle Cave

This is the steep trail down to turtle cave. It is just scary enough, slippery and steep, that you are constantly trying to convince yourself to continue. The tide was low and you can see how beautiful the reef looks through the gin clear water. Posted by Hello

The entrance to turtle cave is spectacular. Fresh water drips down the cliff face creating a gentle veil of rain you have to step through to get into the cave. Inside the cave are strewn piles of broken coral and shells. Needless to say, Etel spent about 1/2 hour with a flashlight searching through the dross.

The cave itself is a gentle U shape where for a couple of steps in the dark you cannot see the light at the other end. It is the first time I have ever felt claustrophobic, I really could feel the weight of the lava above me press down. I never knew what people meant when they said that before, but instead of scaring me it was a really cool sensation. Posted by Hello

At the end of the 60 ' cave, my flashlight illuminates this huge lump on the sand next to the sea cave wall. This was a massive turtle sleeping in the cave. I felt bad when my flash went off to take its picture but it never budged nor seemed bothered by my presence. We kept distant from the sleeping giant.  Posted by Hello

This is the second entrance to the cave. Next to this opening there were two turtles sleeping. I overheard a local woman say that she saw over 20 turtles in this cave last week. We are going to come back at night. Posted by Hello

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