Last hike in Kauai
Since arriving to the Princeville/Hanalei area I have been mesmorized by the twin peak mountain top seen here in the top right corner of the image [you may have to click on the picture to enlarge it to see the peaks]. I read once the twin peaked mountain being referred to as "Bat Ears" and it stuck in my mind because the two peaks are reminscent of a cowl of Batman. The offical name is Hihimanu but I have also heard it called Hahalua - the Hawaiian name for Manta Ray since it looks like the head of a manta ray. Anyway, I have always wanted to hike up to the top of that mountain and did part of the hike when I first arrived on the island. I knew the hike to the peak should not be done alone so I needed to find a partner in crime. I was very fortunate to meet a guy named Craig Pearson (also a great, honest real estate agent email him if you are interested in Kauai real estate). Craig is an ex-white water river guide, ex-rock climber, and current skate boarder and surfer who is also adventuresome enough to go with me on this hike.
This hike was one of the last things I really wanted to do while in Kauai. We left on Sunday morning at 8:30 am for what we thought was a 4 hour hike...but much like Guilligan's Island, we were a bit off on our estimate for the time it would require. .
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