Puu Hinahina lookout. As we drive down the canyon road we follow along the rightside of the canyon. Way down in the distance you can see the ocean. As we looked down into the valley we could see white longtailed tropic birds flying about as they were nesting in the cliff faces. If there is such a thing as reincarnation, it would be a pretty good gig to come back as a tropic bird flying around these beautiful canyons and eating fish and squid out in the ocean blue.
Kauai Sabbatical
Welcome to the blog site for the Wagner's sabbatical trip to Kauai. Stop by to see pictures of the beautiful island and new beaches we have discovered. In addition I will keep you posted on my search for the elusive spider Doryonchus raptor...(closeup of the tarsal claw)
. ....found only in Kauai..just not by me yet.
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