Wednesday, July 06, 2005

The colors along the swamp are muted greens and reds. Occasionally you see a splash of bright color and it seems so vivid in contrast to the rest of the sullen landscape. Posted by Picasa


At 4:47 PM, Blogger kenju said...

What makes the ferns turn red? I've never seen this before.

At 10:06 AM, Blogger Sabbatical Life said...

I am sure it must be similar to the fall colors you see in the trees of the northeast. Once the chlorophyll is removed from the leaves, the photosynthetic accessory pigments remain and they are absorbing light at wavelengths except for at the red spectrum. The red light reflects off the leaf and hits your eye thereby looking red. I also vaguely remember hearing that these pigments are also used to protect plants from UV damage and since these plants are at high altitude they need the protection.


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