Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Tuesday morning started with a nightmare no mother should endure. Etel went to wake the children for school and when she pulled the blanket back from Shayne, Etel saw a large centipede moving alongside Shayne's right arm. In these situations, your gut instinct is the wrong thing to do - Etel grabbed Shayne's arm and swiftly pulled it away from the centipede. The rapid movement triggered the bite response of the centipede and Shayne got bit. Shayne immediately felt nausious and sat on the toilet with her head over the trash basket. I told Etel to put vinegar on the bite to denature the venom. Shayne never vomited, nor did she cry. Shayne has now joined the ranks of most Kauaians - getting bit by the giant centipede Scolopendra subspinipes. These are fairly common creatures - we actually have removed two others from the condo the same weekend. I think the cooler weather of the last few days may have moved them indoors, or we're cursed. Posted by Hello


At 12:44 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

SHAYNE!!! You are a Powerful Goddess Woman! I always knew you were wonderful, but now I know that you are incredibly BRAVE and your fortitude is astounding.

Much Love and Admiration,


At 4:09 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Shayne, you are a soldier. You didn't even cry?!?! More power to you woman.

At 9:28 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I understand that centipedes are eaten in some parts of eastern Africa. How's about you gather a bunch of the little biters, uh, pinchers, and make some centepede toll house cookies? That would certainly be the best revenge.

I also understand that some crickets eat centipedes. Jumpin' Jimminy!

Dave Waterman

PS- James, I am enjoying your blog immensely! What an adventure.


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