Friday, February 11, 2005

Okolehao Trail

I hiked up Okolehao trail yesterday. This trail starts at about sea level at the Wildlife Refuge Center, which is the taro field wetlands by the Hanalei bridge. From there you follow a trail that quickly goes up a small mountain ridge that defines the western side of the Hanaeli river valley. As you hike up the trail you are initially in a deep corridor of vegetation and little can be seen except beautiful red dirt, ferns and weeds. However, about 15 minutes into the hike when you have gained a little elevation the breaks in the vegetation reveal this wonderful view of Hanalei Bay.

Have you ever looked at a mountain range and thought it would be cool to hike along the top edge of the mountains? Balanced as if walking along the edge of a knife? That is what this hike is like, as it goes up to the lowest of the peaks - Kaukaopua - into the Hanalei Forest Reserve. It is a 2.25 mile long hike to the top (4.5 round trip) that is fairly easy to do. Posted by Hello


At 6:37 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

James, Etel, et al

How wonderful to see you there and read of your adventures. You are each as layered with beauty as is the island. Can I be in your family?--a kid, I mean.

Aloha, Margie


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